Cybersecurity, AI and Deep Tech

Cybersecurity, AI and Deep Tech

Weekly detailed articles on cutting edge tech.

A Small Security Vulnerability That Halted The World

A Small Security Vulnerability That Halted The World

On July 19, 2024, the world experienced a disruption that reminded us the importance of secure, robust release processes and security checks …

Using LLMs in Code Security and Static Analysis

Using LLMs in Code Security and Static Analysis

Introduction One of the fundamental building blocks of software development is code quality. High-quality code is directly linked to secure, …

What is Front Running and MEV?

What is Front Running and MEV?

Front-running in Blockchain occurs when someone intentionally enters a transaction into a block before you to try to extract some value. …

Race condition in std::fs::remove_dir_all in Rust

Race condition in std::fs::remove_dir_all in Rust

Introduction In Rust, the std::fs::remove_dir_all function is vulnerable to a race condition that can lead to unintended following. This type …

A Critical Vulnerability In Windows Batch file Execution

A Critical Vulnerability In Windows Batch file Execution

A command injection flaw was found in Rust, exclusive to Windows environments. When invoking batch files on Windows using the Command API, …

Learn About Reentracny Attacks and how to Prevent them

Learn About Reentracny Attacks and how to Prevent them

What is a Solidity Reentrancy Attack? In Solidity smart contracts, a reentrancy attack occurs when an external contract is called, allowing …

Critical Vulnerability found in the ‘net’ package in Go and Rust.

Critical Vulnerability found in the ‘net’ package in Go and Rust.

The popular ‘net’ library used in GO and Rust was recently impacted by the mixed-format IP address validation vulnerability, a critical bug that made many applications extremely vulnerable. In this article, we will break it down and understand all about it.

A Security Vulnerability In Rust's Cargo Tool

A Security Vulnerability In Rust's Cargo Tool

Introduction The tools we use to develop software should be secure and it is crucial to ensure that. Recently, a security vulnerability was …

Decentralized Botnets The Good, The Bad, and The Secure

Decentralized Botnets The Good, The Bad, and The Secure

Introduction Welcome to the Wild, Wild Web! A place where the digital gold rush meets the cyber outlaws, and the sheriffs are armed with …

Learning to Swarm: How Swarm Learning Powers Next-Gen Cybersecurity

Learning to Swarm: How Swarm Learning Powers Next-Gen Cybersecurity

Introduction In the vast digital ecosystem, where threats evolve at breakneck speed, a revolutionary approach is making waves: swarm learning. …