Nmap (Network Mapper) is a free and open-source tool for network discovery and security auditing. It is widely used by network administrators and penetration testers for tasks such as network inventory, managing service upgrade schedules, and monitoring host or service uptime. Nmap uses raw IP packets to determine the available hosts, services, operating systems, and other characteristics of a network.

TCP/IP Protocols

Nmap operates on various layers of the TCP/IP protocol suite:

  • Application layer: FTP, HTTP, SNMP, BOOTP, DHCP
  • Transport layer: TCP, UDP, ICMP, IGMP
  • Network layer: ARP, IP, RARP
  • Data link layer: SLIP, PPP


  • UDP: A connection-less protocol that does not guarantee packet delivery. Suitable for real-time applications like live audio/video.
  • TCP: A connection-oriented protocol that guarantees packet delivery using a three-way handshake.

Nmap Scan Types

SYN Scan

The default scan type, which is stealthier than a TCP Connect scan. It sends a SYN packet to the target port and waits for a SYN/ACK response.

  nmap -sS target

TCP Connect Scan

Completes the TCP handshake, making it noisier but more accurate. Useful when the user does not have administrative privileges.

  nmap -sT target

Ping Sweep

Checks which IP addresses are up by sending ICMP Echo Requests.

  nmap -sn

UDP Scan

Checks for open UDP ports by sending UDP packets and analyzing the responses.

  nmap -sU target

FIN Scan

Sends a FIN packet to the target port. If a RST packet is received, the port is closed.

  nmap -sF target


Sets all TCP flags to off, which can bypass certain firewalls and packet filters.

  nmap -sN target


Sets the FIN, PSH, and URG flags, making it more stealthy but less reliable on certain systems.

  nmap -sX target

Bounce Scan

Uses an FTP server to “bounce” scan packets to a target, potentially bypassing firewalls.

  nmap -b ftp.server target

RPC Scan

Probes open ports to identify RPC services and their versions.

  nmap -sR target

Windows Scan

Exploits anomalies in Windows systems’ TCP/IP stack to identify open ports.

  nmap -sW target

Idle Scan

Uses a “zombie” host to perform stealthy scans, hiding the true origin of the scan.

  nmap -sI zombie target

Nmap Commands

Basic Scans

  nmap -sn  # Ping scan
nmap scanme.nmap.org     # Scan a single host

Stealth Scan

  nmap -sS scanme.nmap.org

Version Scanning

  nmap -sV scanme.nmap.org

OS Scanning

  nmap -O scanme.nmap.org

Aggressive Scanning

  nmap -A scanme.nmap.org

Scanning Multiple Hosts

  nmap  # Multiple IPs
nmap 192.164.1.*                          # Wildcard
nmap,2,3,4                    # Comma-separated
nmap                      # Range

Port Scanning

  nmap -p 973                   # Single port
nmap -p T:7777,973            # TCP port type
nmap -p 76-973                # Port range
nmap --top-ports 10 scanme.nmap.org       # Top 10 ports

Scanning from a File

  nmap -iL /input_ips.txt

Verbosity and Exporting Scan Results

  nmap -v scanme.nmap.org                   # Verbose output
nmap -oN output.txt scanme.nmap.org       # Normal output
nmap -oX output.xml scanme.nmap.org       # XML output
nmap -oA output scanme.nmap.org           # All formats

Nmap Help

  nmap -h

Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE)

NSE is a powerful tool for writing scripts to automate network tasks. Scripts are written in Lua and can perform various functions like vulnerability detection, exploitation, and reporting.

Using NSE Scripts

  nmap -sC                        # Default scripts
nmap --script-help=ssl-heartbleed           # Help for a script
nmap --script=ssl-heartbleed.nse # Specific script
nmap --script=smb*              # Set of scripts


Zenmap is the graphical user interface for Nmap. It is free and open-source, providing visual network mappings and the ability to save and search scans.


Nmap is an essential tool for network discovery and security auditing, with a wide range of features and capabilities. This cheat-sheet provides a quick reference to various scanning types, commands, and NSE scripts, helping you to effectively use Nmap in your network administration and penetration testing tasks.

Last updated 26 Jun 2024, 05:25 +0200 . history