To effectively use Hydra for brute-forcing SSH connections, creating custom wordlists and rules is crucial. Custom wordlists tailored to specific targets can significantly enhance the success rate of brute-force attacks. This guide will cover methods to create custom wordlists and define rules for their efficient use with Hydra.

Why Create Custom Wordlists?

Using generic wordlists like rockyou.txt can be effective, but they may not always suit specific targets. Custom wordlists can:

  • Tailor attacks to specific targets based on gathered information.
  • Include unique or uncommon passwords.
  • Increase the chances of successful brute-force attempts.

Creating Custom Wordlists

1. Using Crunch to Generate Wordlists

Crunch generates wordlists based on specified criteria. It’s useful for creating lists of various lengths and patterns.

Install Crunch:

  sudo apt install crunch

When creating the wordlist, we will typically use this command

  crunch <min> <max> <charset>
  • min: is the minimun password length
  • max: is the maximum password length
  • charset: Character se to be used

Generate a wordlist with all combinations of letters:

  crunch 3 6 0123456789
  • 8: Minimum length of words.
  • 10: Maximum length of words.
  • abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz: Character set.
  • -o wordlist.txt: Output file.


Creating Wordlist in a text file.

If you want your wordlist file in text format run this command on your terminal

  crunch 3 6 0123456789 -o list.txt

Creating Custom Wordlist With Letters, Symbols, and Numbers.

This Step is for Mixed with letters, Symbols, Numbers and creating a custom wordlist Run this command on Your terminal

  crunch 4 8 123abcdefgh#$% -o list2.txt
  • –o : Output in a textfile. along with name of the text file.

2. Using CeWL to Generate Wordlists

CeWL (Custom Word List generator) is a ruby app that spiders a given URL to a specified depth and generates a custom wordlist from the text found on the website.

Install CeWL:

  sudo apt-get install cewl

Generate a wordlist:

  cewl -m 5 -w wordlist.txt
  • Target URL.
  • -m 5: Minimum word length (5 characters).
  • -w wordlist.txt: Output file.

Combining Multiple Wordlists

You can merge several wordlists into one to cover a broader range of possibilities.

  cat wordlist1.txt wordlist2.txt > combined_wordlist.txt
sort combined_wordlist.txt | uniq > final_wordlist.txt
  • cat: Concatenates files.
  • sort: Sorts the combined list.
  • uniq: Removes duplicate entries.

Creating Rules for Hydra

Hydra supports various flags and options to customize brute-force attacks. Understanding and applying these rules can optimize the attack process.

Specifying Usernames and Passwords

Using a custom username list:

  hydra -L custom_userlist.txt -P pass.txt ssh -t 4

Using a custom password list:

  hydra -l username -P custom_passlist.txt ssh -t 4

Customizing Thread Count

Adjust the number of parallel threads to balance speed and server load:

  hydra -L user.txt -P pass.txt ssh -t 8

Targeting Multiple IPs

To target multiple IP addresses simultaneously:

  hydra -L user.txt -P pass.txt -M ip_list.txt ssh -t 4

Advanced Password Guessing with -e Flag

The -e flag in Hydra adds extra password guessing techniques:

  hydra -l username -P pass.txt -e nsr ssh
  • -e n: Try empty passwords.
  • -e s: Try the username as the password.
  • -e r: Try the reverse of the username.

Verbose Mode and Detailed Output

Enable verbose mode for detailed output:

  hydra -L user.txt -P pass.txt ssh -V

Changing Default SSH Port

Specify a custom SSH port if the target uses a non-standard port:

  hydra -s 2222 -L user.txt -P pass.txt ssh -t 4

Using Custom Login Attempts

Limit login attempts to avoid detection and blocking:

  hydra -L user.txt -P pass.txt ssh -t 4 -f
  • -f: Exit after the first successful login.


Creating custom wordlists and using Hydra for brute-force attacks should always be done ethically and legally. Unauthorized access to systems is illegal and punishable by law. Use these techniques only for authorized penetration testing and security assessments.

By creating custom wordlists and applying advanced rules, security professionals can more effectively test the strength of SSH credentials and enhance their overall security measures.

Last updated 04 Sep 2024, 13:45 +0530 . history