This guide introduces the basics of using the Aircrack-ng suite, offering a solid foundation for beginners while providing pointers for further exploration. For additional insights, the Forum and Wiki offer extensive supplementary tutorials and information.

Installing Aircrack-ng

To install Aircrack-ng on your Kali Linux system, follow these steps:

  git clone
cd aircrack-ng
autoreconf -i
./configure --with-experimental
make install


Make sure you also run the command:

  sudo apt update
sudo apt install pciutils

IEEE 802.11 Basics

Before diving into practical use, understanding how wireless networks operate is crucial. This knowledge helps in troubleshooting and accurately describing issues for further assistance.

Network Discovery

Wireless networks with Access Points (APs) periodically broadcast beacon frames containing information like:

  • Network name (ESSID)
  • Encryption status and type
  • Supported data rates
  • Channel number

Tools like iwlist <interface> scan and airodump-ng capture this information, essential for network reconnaissance.

Connecting to Networks

Connecting to a wireless network typically involves Open System Authentication, where:

  1. Authentication request is sent to the AP.
  2. AP responds with authentication approval.
  3. Association request is sent to establish connection.
  4. AP responds with connection approval.

Challenges arise with WPA/WPA2, MAC filtering, and Shared Key Authentication, requiring correct settings and credentials.

Simple Sniffing and Cracking

Network Identification

Identify target networks using tools like airodump-ng or Kismet. Start by enabling monitor mode:

  airmon-ng start wlan0

Use airodump-ng wlan0mon to scan networks and gather information.

Capturing IVs

Capture Initialization Vectors (IVs) to crack WEP keys. Use:

  airodump-ng -c 11 --bssid 00:01:02:03:04:05 -w dump wlan0mon

Successful WEP cracking requires capturing 40,000 to 85,000 IVs.

Cracking WEP

Once sufficient IVs are captured, use Aircrack-ng:

  aircrack-ng -b 00:01:02:03:04:05 dump-01.cap

Adjust parameters based on IV count and scenario specifics.

Active Attacks

Packet Injection

Ensure your wireless card and driver support packet injection for effective attacks. Test with:

  aireplay-ng --fakeauth 0 -e "your network ESSID" -a 00:01:02:03:04:05 wlan0mon

Successful injection enables subsequent attacks.

ARP Replay

Use ARP replay to expedite WEP cracking:

  aireplay-ng --arpreplay -b 00:01:02:03:04:05 -h 00:04:05:06:07:08 wlan0mon

Capture ARP packets to enhance cracking efficiency.


This guide provides a foundational understanding of Aircrack-ng for wireless network security testing. For advanced techniques and detailed scenarios, consult online resources. Remember, ethical and legal considerations are essential in all security testing endeavors.

This version organizes information into clear sections, improves readability, and maintains a structured flow for understanding and using Aircrack-ng effectively.

Last updated 04 Sep 2024, 13:36 +0530 . history