
Metasploit is a widely recognized penetration testing framework used to identify and exploit vulnerabilities in various systems, particularly web applications. This tutorial will guide you through the process of using Metasploit to exploit common web vulnerabilities.

1. Installing Metasploit

Metasploit is available for multiple platforms.

Linux: Install Metasploit Framework using the appropriate package manager.

Windows: Download the Metasploit installer from Rapid7’s website.

2. Exploring Metasploit Interface

Metasploit can be used through the msfconsole.

Starting msfconsole:


Basic commands:

  • help: Displays available commands.
  • search: Searches for exploits and modules.
  • use: Selects an exploit or module.
  • show options: Displays available options for the selected module.
  • set: Sets the value of an option.
  • run or exploit: Executes the chosen module.

3. Identifying Web Vulnerabilities

Before exploiting, identify potential vulnerabilities using tools like vulnerability scanners (e.g., Nessus, OpenVAS) or manual techniques.

Common web vulnerabilities:

  • SQL Injection: Allows attackers to manipulate database queries.
  • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS): Enables attackers to inject malicious scripts into websites.
  • Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF): Tricks users into performing unwanted actions.
  • Remote Code Execution (RCE): Allows attackers to execute arbitrary code on the server.

4. Exploiting Web Vulnerabilities with Metasploit

Metasploit provides numerous exploits for web vulnerabilities.

Example: Exploiting SQL Injection with sqlmap (integrated with Metasploit):

  1. Gather information about the target web application.
  2. Use sqlmap to identify and exploit SQL injection vulnerabilities.
  3. Leverage Metasploit modules (e.g., meterpreter) to establish a reverse shell or execute commands on the compromised server.

Example: Exploiting XSS with Metasploit:

  1. Identify an XSS vulnerability.
  2. Choose an appropriate Metasploit exploit (e.g., exploit/multi/browser/javascript_keylogger).
  3. Configure the payload (e.g., meterpreter/reverse_tcp).
  4. Set the SRVHOST and SRVPORT options.
  5. Craft a malicious link containing the payload and send it to the victim.

5. Post-Exploitation Activities

After successfully exploiting a vulnerability, you can perform various actions:

  • Establish a meterpreter session: Provides interactive control over the compromised system.
  • Escalate privileges: Gain higher-level access on the system.
  • Gather sensitive information: Extract passwords, data, or other valuable information.
  • Pivot to other systems: Use the compromised system as a stepping stone to attack other machines within the network.

6. Best Practices for Ethical Penetration Testing with Metasploit

  • Only target systems and applications that are within the scope of the engagement.
  • Avoid causing any damage or disruption to the target environment.
  • Document all findings and report them to the client.


Metasploit is an invaluable tool for penetration testers, providing a vast collection of exploits and modules for identifying and exploiting web vulnerabilities. This tutorial covered the basic concepts of utilizing Metasploit for ethical penetration testing purposes. Continuous learning and practice are essential to master this powerful framework.

Last updated 04 Sep 2024, 15:39 +0530 . history